Wednesday, 1 August 2007

How to become more efficient

Last week I went Brighton for a life coaching training day. I've learnt a lot and I would like to share with you one thing which will improve your efficiency.I hope Neil and Natasha (coaches who were speakers at the training day) won't mind.

So every morning make a list of 7 most important jobs you have to do on that day. List by importance . Then every Monday make a list of 7 most important things you have to do that week. At the beginning of the month make a list of 7 most important jobs you have to do that month. And finally at the beginning of the year list 7 things you need to do during the following year.
To make the process easier you can compile a table with 7 rows and either do it on the computer or print out and then write jobs you have to do. But remember use paper wisely as we need to save trees and our planet.
At the end of the day, week.... you need to go through the list and check if you completed task or not. If you haven't done something from your list ask yourself why and reschedule the task.

I hope this helps and I would like to hear about your progress.

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Until next time


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