Lets talk about goals and when I say goals I mean
proper, great goals. People think they have goals but what most have is wishes - I wish I lost weight, I wish to eat healthier, I'd like to have more money.... or I am going to start work out next week, I'll quit smoking next month.... you know what I am talking about. Unfortunately this wishes/goals usually never comes to reality.
So let me explain how to set great goals and achieve them.
First of all,
goals must be put in writing.Second, goals must be
specific, in other words you need to know what you really want and have a vision, i.e. to make £5000 a month, 50k a year, achieve your ideal weight - 60kg. It's not a goal if it's written like that, 'I want to make more money', 'I want to lose weight'.
Third feature of a great goal is
measurable - this means that goals should be broken down in small chunks in order to measure your progress towards the end result and of course at the end you must be measurable - look at your bank account, stand on the scales.... otherwise you won't know if you achieved your goal or not.
Fourth, when you set a goal you need to take full
responsibility and this means you have to commit to yourself that you are going to do anything is needed in order to achieve the goal. And when you take
responsibility you are in control and it's up to you to achieve the goal.
Fifth, when you set a goal it is very important to put a specific time i.e. It's 7 September 2007 I have at least 5 clients a week. Never put - tomorrow, next week,next year etc.
Finally, relate the end result with
positive empowering emotions. Think how will you be feeling when you achieve your goal and when you working towards your goal always thing about the end result and the positive feelings, for instance, I am feeling self confident and fulfilled, have a lot of energy.
To find out more about goal setting and have e free life coaching consultation go to www.lifecoachandy.co.uk , email: lifecoachandy7@gmail.com or call 447962837847.
Peace and peace
Life coach Andy